Book Reviews

The Funny Life Of Pets

July 14, 2020
The Funny Life<br>Of Pets Book Cover
The Funny Life
Of Pets
Comedy Bloomsbury 240


This humorous book is all about pets from how to care to them to polar bear repelling machines and Holidays on the moon. The illustrations are appealing and are funny. It’s super funny and makes you shake with laughter.

What did I find?

You don’t have to read it from the front to the back it has little things that tell you to go to a certain page if you want to read more about the thing you’re reading about.

It adds facts but also makes them funny.

Not all the facts are completely true but are there for fun and keep you laughing.

Would I recommend it?

Of course, it’s really funny and appeals well to younger readers. All the illustrations are well-drawn and sometimes drawn with a funny little joke.