Day Trips

A day out around Tower Bridge

August 31, 2020

Since we were coming to the end of the Holidays, although we weren’t going abroad we wanted to experience some days out so went to 3 cities- London, Ely, and Cambridge.

This Blog is about a day spent all around London Bridge. You may recognise how close they are to each other because in some of the photos we took you can see other places we went to like in the background of Tower Bridge you might see the Tower of London.

So, here are all the activities we did.

Activity 1: Going Up Tower Bridge

We started off our London Day trips by going up Tower Bridge, which is used to cross over from one side of the River Thames to the other, carrying about 21,000 cars and 40,000 people a day! One of the first facts we learned was that in making the bridge they had to get divers to dig out the foundations for the bridge.

My favourite part of the activity was walking across an area of glass right above the cars and the Thames, at first Euan was scared but it was cool staring at a mirror above you see the river just about 50 metres below you.

Activity 2: Lunch At Ping Pong In St Katherines Dock

After we went up the bridge, we were quite hungry so went down to St Katherine’s Dock and found a Chinese restaurant called Ping Pong. We were the first there, so got to sit outside where the chairs had cushions. To start off I had a lychee mocktail (a cocktail with alcohol) with lemon.

Then for lunch, I and my brothers chose to have a kids meal consisting of a dim sum filled with beef, some rice, quite a few vegetables with nice green beans inside them, a duck spring role, I think, and 1 scoop of ice cream. It was very nice and I recommend it.

Activity 3: Visiting the Tower Of London

After lunch, we walked over to the Tower of London which was less than half a mile away from Ping Pong. The tower is a very old building, originating back to the 1070s when William the conquer built it for when he came it London. When we got there, there was a long queue with people checking if you didn’t have a temperature. It took a few minutes but when we passed the queue we were met with a friendly Beefeater (a ceremonial guard).

The first part of the castle we went to see was a collection of armor and weapons. My favorite part of the exhibition was a suit of armor originally being worn by a samurai, the part I found best about it was the cool birds facing each other on the top of its helmet. At the end, we decided to visit the crown jewels from lots of kings and queens in the past. They were covered in lots of shiny jewels are had been well preserved.

Activity 4: Taking In the Views From The Sky Garden

Just before dinner, we decided to go to the sky garden, a very very tall building in London which you can see really far and wide for free(as long as you book)!. At the top, there’s a bar where we selected really nice smoothies and some nice crisps. You can walk all around the top and see many cool plants and as an addition go outside, in the open air, and stare down as small red dots pass by- which are buses.

It was a really fun day and included lots of nice food and sight-seeing. I recommend it as a day trip.