
Go Ape in Wendover Woods

About 2 weeks ago, me, my brother Euan, and some of his friends, went to Wendover Woods just outside Aylesbury for Go Ape and to visit the Woods. Wendover Woods is a big wood, managed by Forestry England, where you can explore the outdoors, walk and exercise, and Go Ape is a climbing adventure in […]

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Paddling in the River Ver

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year in the UK so we decided to go to Verulamium park to paddle. We went to the area at the edge of the main lake, beside the Fighting Cocks pub. There’s stepping stones going across at that point, like my recent walk post – Ver Valley Walk […]

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Visiting Hitchin Lavender Farm

Yesterday we visited a lavender field in Hitchin. It smelt very nice! It’s very pretty and is a good place to spend a couple of hours. It has its own ice cream, even with lavender flavoured (but I got chocolate)! TASTY! Arrangements, Costs and Getting There At the moment, because of the Pandemic, the lavender […]

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Strawberry & Raspberry Picking

Today we went to Hawkswick Lodge fruit farm to pick some strawberries. If you want to go check out my post about a walking route to get there. It’s really fun and I would recommend it as instead of going to the shops you can pick it fresh when it’s nice and tasty. It’s also […]

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On a hot day, there’s nothing better to do than to have a water fight. We thought about it over lunch and just finished a great one. Fergus was up for it immediately and went and changed into his swimming shorts and goggles. Euan and me did likewise. Let the battle commence! I was clearly […]

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Visit To Whipsnade Zoo

Today, we were lucky enough to get a chance to go to the Whipsnade Zoo. Even though we weren’t allowed to do a lot of the stuff like the playground it was still awesome! First, we went to the enclosure where they were keeping the gorillas. They were all adults and were covered in black […]

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Learning About Rewilding

I spent some time this morning learning about rewilding by watching a video and doing some research online. My Dad helped me find the video and write this blog so credit to him, YEAH! The video I watched was a TEDx talk. TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of […]

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Lunch from the Market

Today we had a treat and went out to the food market in town. Normally during term time we would be having school lunch, so it’s not often we get the chance to do it. There’s a lot of different stalls with all kinds of food from different places. It’s very cool! Mummy decided to […]

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Captain Fantastic Challenge Party!!!

This evening me and the rest of Year 5 went to a Captain Fantastic Challenge Party on zoom, organised by school. Basically there was comedian host who planned activities and challenges for us. The aim was to either: avoid getting a dare, to get points or just for fun. We started off doing exercises which […]

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Planting seeds from M&S Little Garden

At the start of the summer, M&S did a scheme called Little Garden. When you spent £20 you were given a seedling kit, including a pot, soil, and seeds. We got three packs: pansy, viola, and beetroot. This little video from M&S explains the scheme. First, you had to put the soil onto a surface, […]

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