
Ver Valley Walk 3: The Winterbourne Walk

Earlier this year we walked The Winterbourne Walk from the Ver Valley Society. It heads out from Redbourn towards Flamsted and comes back past the Herts Showground and follows part of the Chiltern Way. It’s quite a long walk – about 8 miles – and took about 4 hours. The start and end section of […]

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Ver Valley Walk 6: The Two Cities Walk

Today, we walked another trail from the Ver Valley Society. It was a shorter one and part of it is from the Ver Valley Walk 7 and the green ring. You go through lots of beautiful scenery and it is good for a couple of hours or so. It’s easy to do and isn’t hard […]

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The Ver Valley Walk Collection

The “Discover the River Ver Project” by the Ver Valley Society created a series of short walks following the River Ver and exploring the surrounding countryside. As a family, we have been walking the routes, creating downloadable GPS maps, and I’ve been writing up the walks from a child’s point of view. We’ve now grouped […]

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Ver Valley Walk 4: The Redbournbury Walk

Recently, we decided to go on a walk with our friends. We chose this walk from the Ver Valley Society. It’s perfect for a warm day because there’s lots of shade and a few bits where you can go for a paddle. To make the walk more interesting my dad did some research around chalk […]

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St Michaels to Childwickbury And Hawkswick Fruit Farm

Yesterday we went on another walk. We’ve used it a few times and it’s got some interesting things you can see along the way. We started off at the St Michaels Memorial Hall on Branch Road in St Michael’s Village. From there, we towards Batchwood via Downedge. When you cross Batchwood Drive there is an […]

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Ver Valley Walk 7: The Watermeadow Walk

Today we went out on another walk from the Walks section of The Ver Valley Society website – this time Walk 7: The Watermeadow Walk. The link to the leaflet for this walk is here. Before I talk about the walk and share photos I’m going to highlight at the start that we picked this […]

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Ver Valley Walk 5: The Three Burys Walk

A few weeks ago we took a walk along Ver Valley Walk 5, which we found in the Walks section of The Ver Valley Society website. This link to the leaflet for this specific walk is here. It’s a very good way to use your time and to see all the beautiful scenery throughout the […]

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