Set in the second world war in Italy, this book follows a family as they struggle without a father. At first, there are just simple midnight adventures but Paolo soon finds himself muddled up in all sorts of trouble. With the war slowly pushing ever nearer to them things get even more complicated! The book shows what it would have been like living a life in constant fear of offending the wrong person, being worried about giving the impression of being sympathetic to the wrong party (so having to even act guardedly around your close friends), or being bombed.
What did I find
The book is an adventure, which I like, but it is also informing you about what life is like during the war. I’ve previously read and encyclopedia about the war – the different sides, main leaders, their planes and tanks – and this helps bring that to life and actually bringing you into the country at the time.
While the book is mainly focussed from Paulo’s point of view, at points you see the story through the eye’s of different main characters in the family. This felt a bit like the book/film ‘Wonder’. The author provided a vivid image of each character, so much so that you could predict what their reactions may be to a situation.
The book presented the differences between the two sides of the war very well.
Would I recommend it
Yes but not for all readers. I think you should be at least aged 8 and above. The book explains the brutality of the war and how both sides had to risk their lives for others.