Book Reviews

Kensuke’s Kingdom

June 15, 2020
Kensuke's Kingdom Book Cover
Kensuke’s Kingdom


This is an adventure book seen through the eyes of Michael, a young boy who is traveling around the world on a yacht with his family when he falls overboard. Washed up on to, what at first look seems to be a deserted island, he soon finds he is not alone. The book focusses on the relationship between Michael and Kensuke (an old man who lives on the island), and how they build a relationship and influence each other’s lives.

What did I find

Really I found the beginning was a bit boring and hard going. I started to enjoy the book much more once on the island, which felt like when the story got more interesting.

The scenes on the island are always described really effectively and put you in the character’s shoes. You can imagine every moment. The author builds up an image in your head of the main characters.

There is lots of detailed descriptions of how Michael and Kensuke go about normal everyday activities like art, which let you imagine the picture easily, even though the setting is different from where you would normally be. The story was thought out really well and believable.

If you turn a page you know another different adventure is about to play out. You can’t guess what is going to happen next. Don’t know if another ship will come by or they will be attacked by jellyfish.

I was moved by a scene where Michael becomes unwell and the author describes Kensuke’s care – with him choosing not to leave his side. At other points, where Michael is struggling with life on the island, you can imagine the show of emotion in Michael’s eyes. As you hear the description the feeling rubs off on you.

Would I recommend it?

Yes! I think most readers at about my age would like this book as it is written almost perfectly. It may be slow to start, but once you reach the island the constant activities and events keep you at the edge of your seat.

I liked hearing about the ups and downs of Michael and Kensuke’s relationship. The author writes it so that it makes you ask if it’s actually true. 

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